Monday, November 12, 2012

OMG! Some photos! Thank you, Ravelry!

Well, last night I joined Ravelry.  I am hoping I can keep up with this blog, and my Ravelry page and still get projects done.  Projects being stuff around the house and my crafting items.  We shall see.  Since I hopped on Ravelry and added some of the projects I am working on there, I got motivated enough to take a couple of photos of some projects I have been talking about here.  Here are the few that I took so that everyone who stops by can get a look see at what is going on instead of just reading about it:

Matt's Marvin the Martian Hat - WIP

Geometric Tunic - WIP

A pair of socks for ME! - WIP

All still Works in Progress because I am spending too much time on the internet!!!  Well, and I have way too many projects going on.  LOL.  I just made up a drink cozy from a pattern a wonderful blogger shared for free.  I love it!  Sooooo easy!  Here is the link to her blog: CrazySocks Crochet, go check it out!!!  I linked directly to the coffee cozy pattern since she hasn't posted anything new since October.  If you look on the right side of her blog you can find a list of other patterns she has posted. Awesome!  I want to make the leg warmers, too!  I also just finished a quick little scarf and I am making a matching hat from a pattern out of 24-hour Crochet by Rita Weiss.  I am going to see if anyone will bite on purchasing it.  It will be sized for a young girl, around 7-10 years old.  So cute!  I am having trouble focusing on these projects I just posted pics of... it gets that way sometimes, and you crafters all know what I mean!  I also have a blanket in the works! LOL. If it wasn't bad enough already... I am going to run out of yarn for the size I want, though, and that is sad because I am broke and my car won't even make it to Jo-Anns anyway.  Besides two of the colors have dye lots. =(  However, I count that as my smallest obstacle because The blanket (my own creation! YAY!)  is worked with two yarns at a time of different colors and there are several color changes.  I WILL get photos up on that soon... and maybe even Matt's finished socks...

I am learning more about blocking and I know it isn't as crucial in crochet, but some projects do fair better with it, it seems.  The Geometric Tunic will be one of those...

Ok!  I am off for now. Gotta get up early and I still want to try and talk myself into working on ONE of these ABS (already been started) projects!  Crack the whip!!

Technical Difficulties...

I am not sure which of my recent projects will have photos for me to share...  I will definitely have the boyfriend's socks and hat soon, and probably my socks soon... as for the monkey, I guess I only took a pic on my phone so I don't know if that one will happen. =(  Luckily the guy who ordered that one might order one for himself soon. *fingers crossed*  If not I will just have to make one to put on etsy and to get a photo on here of my cool "sock" monkeys!! =D  I PROMISE, at least some pics will be up by Wednesday!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's late, so just a little update

Ok, well, Halloween has come and gone.  I did make some projects and they turned out great, I got compliments and everything.  Just gotta find some time to post them pics!  I got all three scarves done in less than a week.  The monkey got completed before I even started the scarves.  So, don't ask me where I have been, I have obviously been crafting!!!  And going through newspapers.... I really gotta lessen my subscription!!  ANYWAY!  I am finding some cool ideas and I am ready for some new projects.  I need to get a lot more going for my etsy shop...

ATM I am working on my boyfriends new hat.  It is a Marvin the Martian helmet!! =D  This one I may post as a pattern, someday.  It's gonna be pretty straightforward.  An ear flap hat with a fold down face warmer and a yellow Mohawk on the top to represent the thing I can't remember the name of that sits on the top of the helmet that Marvin wears.

I am still working on my socks.  My boyfriend's are done, and I just realized I don't even have pics of them up.... here we go, getting behind again!!! =P   Well, I promise I'll post some eye candy up soon... till then... much love!! =D


Here is a pic of my little Halloween Stoop!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This is Halloween!!

Gearing up for Halloween and working on a bunch of crafty projects with my friend Bri.  Soon I will post some pics on completed projects and maybe even a how-to if one or two turn out particularly awesome and easy at the same time! =D  So, be on the lookout!

Also, I am still working on a monkey for a co-worker to give to their fiance.  Very original ideas their loved one had, I must say.  Can't wait to post pics of the finished product.  Soon, I will be starting a project of three scarfs for one of my mom's co-workers.  And last, but not least, I will be finishing my first pair of socks.  They are for my boyfriend!  I will post pics of each as I finish them, so I should have a plethora of posts here in the next few weeks!! *Fingers crossed*

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Is there anybody in there?

Hey, long time, no see. Did anyone miss me?  Probably not, but it's ok.  What isn't ok is that I went over a month without posting anything!?!? Ahhh, gotta love those busy times when it is all work and no play... NOT!!!  Been working my butt off in the real world and don't really have much to show for it. =(  Definitely not a smaller butt, which I would just love!  Anyway... I don't have a whole lot to show, but I have some, so let me get myself together and get started...

FIRST, let me just say that crochet has become a very rewarding hobby, in more ways than one!  I recently finished a custom project for a family who want to give snowflake ornaments out this Christmas to the people who work at a hospital and help their little boy.  Here are a couple of pics from that:

Just wonderful!  So glad to be able to do something like that for people!  And so glad that they loved what they got! 

NEXT.... a few photos of some other projects I have worked on lately.  Both are spoken for already, but I am always down for custom work!!  First one is a hair band/head wrap thingy =P, and the second is a small jacket/vest for a young girl.

FINALLY!!!  I have made two of my "secret project" and I have pictures!!! I guess I had a lot to show for this month, instead of my "not much".  Thus far this is the most pics of my work that I have posted!  Woohoo! Can you say accomplishment!!  The secret project is along the lines of Halloween fun and mischief!  These little guys are VOODOO DOLLS!! BEWARE!  LOL.  They are just fun little interpretations, don't get the wrong idea.  I hope they will become more detailed in the future, but these are my little prototypes who both already have homes. =)

SO, do I get any kudos yet?  I sure hope so. At least I guess I can be happy if people keep reading my blogs.  I know I am kind of rough around the edges, but I have good intentions.  Someday I hope that I can share some patterns of my own with people.  I love seeing other peoples creativity, and I am so happy that I am at least occasionally sharing some of my own!  I guess that is all that really matters, huh?  Well, on that wonderful little note of realization, I will leave you all to ponder life and love!  I hope to see you again sooner rather than later!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Come one, come all!

Well, there will be no more cool photos for a time, I may have lost a majority of my photos due to an angry incident that caused an accidental bit of damage to my external hard drive, after I had recently moved all of my photos over to it. *sob*

However, as promised, I am going to provide a link to my etsy page.  There you can chose from the few items/custom orders I have posted, or you can request me to make for you any number of custom ideas that you have in mind.  Random thought - I love a finished blanket, but man, do they take long!

Okay, without further adieu, here is my etsy page:

Homemade in the Shade! (with love!) =)

One last thing... I am working on a new secret project that appeals to my dark side. This was an idea given to me by a co-worker who is one awesome dude and who will be receiving my first completed prototype!  I probably will have one or two up on etsy before Halloween, but I am not sure about putting up a custom order page.  We will see if the few that I put up sell, first. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Crossing the Threshold

UPDATE!! I have the Cthulhus finished AND I have pictures! It's a miracle, especially since I have been a mechanic, a carpenter and a general fix-it person the past couple weeks. Well, it is late, I am tired, and all I wanted was to give you a taste of my crochet, finally.  This is the doorway into my crafting world! Next blog I will you link to my etsy page! =)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Update Shmupdate...

I have made about 2 more snowflakes since my last post.  I started on the third Cthulhu and then somehow I have managed to loose the eyes and the wings... grrr.  I cannot progress until I find the eyes, so I will definitely be on the lookout for my items over MY weekend.  Which started a few hours ago!  No, I haven't looked yet this evening/morning.  Here, have some more photos and feel free to comment if you like what you see.  Maybe my creative interests can involve more picture taking instead of crochet... especially if I can't find those *&@#$ EYES!!! Some of the following photos were most likely taken by my ex.  I must say I always appreciated his photographic eye as well. Kudos to Nick! <3

Friday, July 13, 2012

Nature Photo Montage

Ninja! (scenic views)

Not to toot my own horn or anything - I feel like all of these, save maybe the last - are pictures of great quality and would make excellent puzzles.  I really should look up someone who could make such a dream possible; see if anyone else thinks enough of them to pay money to own the puzzles and put them together. =D

Progressive Procrastination

Woo.  I have 2 out of 3 Cthulhus done!  However, I have not been able to get pictures to transfer onto my computer.  I think I finished the second one days ago, and I have been doing anything but crochet since then.  I am also supposed to be working on some crochet snowflakes for a customer... I have half of them (15) done and must finish by next month or I will feel like a sloth and a turtle combined!  Wish me luck!

I can only hope that my method for photo transfer... (BLUETOOTH) ... from phone to computer works the next time I attempt to put the photos up.. because otherwise I won't be getting any photos to share unless I can get a camera somehow.  *crosses fingers* Still, I have photos to share...

Hanging Lake -  Glenwood Springs, CO

Monday, July 2, 2012

As If I Have Always Known You

Well, I can't dance, and I haven't had much luck keeping up with blogs... so I guess this accidental name for my new blog is somewhat of a happy conundrum. Maybe it will bring me some luck! *crosses fingers*

Mainly, I will be posting about my crochet projects.  Maybe some life lessons, or thoughts.  Definitely will post some awesome pictures, if I ever get a descent camera, that is.

Should be some exciting stuff if I can make time for it.  =)

However, atm I am more excited to play around with the look of the bog and work on the Cthulhu Cousin I am making for a good friend of mine.  Little bit of info on the project would be nice, I suppose. =P

One of my friends posted to me on Facebook that she wants me to make her a crochet E.T. doll which then led to another friend who wanted a Cthulhu doll and provided me a link. Well, since I didn't have a bunch of footwork to do for the Cthulhu I started on that project first! Just like me to be all super lazy when I could be doing something uber creative instead....

Amber has a blog here on Blogger called Cthulhu Crochet and Cousins. This is the link I received from my guy friend.  SOOOO freakin' awesome!  She has a bunch of her own free patterns, as well as links to other people's free patterns, not to mention some craft book reviews.  KUDOS!  She also welcomes people to share their finished products after following some of her patterns. I can't wait to share my Cthulhu Trio with her when I am done!  *super excited*

Here's a pic I took, just for fun.  Look! There is gold at the end of the rainbow... but who would have guessed it would be the "Golden Arches" of a McDonald's sign. HAHA.